New Article on White Racial Consciousness

I excited to share my most recent article with my colleague Dr. Alechia Abioye (University of Houston) entitled #White&Woke: Racial Consciousness in White Undergraduate Students and is recently published in the Journal of Higher Education Politics and Economics. In this phenomenological qualitative study, we used a novel asynchronous semi-structured interview protocol to gain more authentic responses from participants. Through this study, we explored how White undergraduates contextualized their experiences with diversity and with institutional inclusion efforts. These findings are similar to my previous studies Post(Racial) Malone and Angry White Men. The students in this study felt called out by White privilege pedagogy such as through privilege walks and they struggled to identify their own social locations within whiteness. This means that they were unable to differentiate their white identities from larger systems of whiteness or white supremacy that benefit them. We used Rowe et al. white racial consciousness theory to analyze the findings as participants expressed superficial understandings of themselves and their diverse campus environments. We provide explicit implications for practice drawn from the findings of this exploratory study.

The article is available as an open-source publication.


New Article on Sorority Leadership Development


NASPA Strategies Conference Presentations